- Man: Light grey or dark grey? 男士:浅灰色还是深灰色的?
- Appeatance : Shine with grey or dark grey metallic lustre. 外观:表面呈灰色或暗灰色金属光泽。
- Appeatance:Shine with grey or dark grey metallic lustre. 外观:表面呈灰色或暗灰色金属光泽。
- They prefer plain dark grey or beige without any stripes. 他们要深灰色或米色的,不带条纹。
- This means that red is not a colour at all for bees, for them it is just dark grey or black. 这意味着,对蜜蜂来说,红色根本不是一种颜色,对它们来说它只是深友或黑色而已。
- Power piston (dark grey) has compressed the gas, the displacer piston (light grey) has moved so that most of the gas is adjacent to the hot heat exchanger. 电力活塞(深灰色)已压缩天然气的置换活塞(浅灰色)已使大部分的气体是毗邻热换热器
- This means that red is not a colour at all for bees,for them it is just dark grey or black. 这意味着,对蜜蜂来说,红色根本不是一种颜色,对它们来说它只是深色或黑色而已。
- In the grey countries, there is a grey or dark permanency, over whose surface passes change ephemeral, leaving no real mark. 在灰暗国度,灰暗或者黑暗是永恒的,变化只是一瞬间的事,不留任何真实的痕迹。
- This dark grey or brown oil shale develops numerous lamellation and is composed of tenuous organic lamina and grey calcareous lamina. 该油页岩呈深灰色或棕褐色,页理发育,主要由富含有机质纹层和浅灰色钙质纹层形成的毫米级沉积层偶组成。
- horse of a light grey or whitish color. 浅灰色或略白色的马。
- Suppose we train bees to come to a red card,and having done so,we put the red card on the table in the garden among the set of different grey cards. This time we find that the bees mistake red for dark grey or black. They cannot distinguish between them. 假如我们训练蜜蜂飞向红色卡片,这样训练之后,我们把红色卡片放到花园里桌子上那套深浅不同的灰色卡片中间,这时我们发现,蜜蜂错把红色当成深灰色或黑色,而不能区别它们。
- And your toast, sir. Light or dark? 您的烤面包是烤焦点还是稍微烤一下?
- How would you like it, light or dark? 您的吐司要怎样做,是稍烤一下还是烤焦?
- Do you like light toast or dark toast? 吐司烤的嫩一点还是焦一点?
- The blue of the sky paled to a light grey. 天空的蓝色渐变成了浅灰色。
- Yes, there is dark blue, light grey, desert tan, all available in a full range of sizes. 有的,还有深蓝、浅灰、土黄-这些颜色尺码都齐全。
- His bowel movements are grey or black in color. 他的大便呈灰白色。
- Why don't you put on the dark grey suit today? 今天你为什么不穿那套深灰色的衣服?
- Which do you prefer, white, grey or black? 你喜欢哪种颜色:白的、灰的、还是黑的?
- Yes,there is dark blue,light grey,desert tan,all available in a full range of sizes. 有的,还有深蓝、浅灰、土黄-这些颜色尺码都齐全。